Narrative Yoga for Kids

Narrative Yoga for Kids

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Massage Series Part 1 of 6: Benefits of Massage for Infants

This post is the beginning of a series on the benefits of massage for different age groups.  Naturally, I am beginning with infants…

“As a parent, loving relative, or caregiver of an infant, you want to see your child flourish.  Touch is one of the most important requirements for healthy development – a fact supported by both ancient tradition and contemporary research.  Massage is attentive, pleasurable touch that can promote your baby’s well-being while increasing your ability to respond to his or her needs.

The special touch of massage is remarkable in its ability to enhance a child’s comfort.  Babies who are massaged sleep better, and are calmer and more alert when awake.  Massage stimulates digestion and elimination.  It can also reduce the discomfort of teething and colds, and help calm fussy babies. 

In addition, bonding is enhanced with massage.  Responding to your baby’s smiles, frowns and squirms with sensitive touch, eye contact, soothing sounds and loving communication can reinforce trust for years to come.

Studies Confirm…
The positive effects of infant massage have been well-researched by organizations such as UNICEF and the University of Miami School of Medicine.  They have found:
* Children and infants who were massaged showed significantly reduced stress indicators such as heart rate and stress hormone levels.
* Infants who received extra touch developed visual attentiveness earlier than babies who didn’t.  Visually impaired babies whose parents touched them early and often were able to reach toward sounds sooner than other babies.
* Premature babies who were regularly massaged gained weight faster, acquired mental and motor skills earlier, and were more relaxed than non-massaged babies.
* For drug-exposed infants, massaged helped increase weight gain, and relieved both tension and pain.  

Benefits for YOU…
Giving massage can build your confidence in caring for your baby.  You may feel more satisfied with the quality of time you spend with your infant and with your increased ability to help your child relax in times of stress. You may even find your own tension eased as you perform the gentle movements."

- Natural Touch Marketing 

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